/* http://lenzk.wap.sh */ var quotes=new Array() quotes[0]='"Life is a combination of success & failures. The best way to focus your life is never put a question mark where God has placed a period. !"' quotes[1]='"Alphabets start with A, B, C, numbers start with 1, 2, 3, music starts with do, re, mi, can LOVE start with You and Me. ?"' quotes[2]='"Never use failure as an excuse for not trying again. We may not able to undo the damage or reverse the consequences but we can always make a new start. !"' quotes[3]='"A great character will always make you more attractive than someone who only has a great face but no substances. Thus, beauty catches the attention but character catches the heart. !"' quotes[4]='"Apologizing doesn\'t always mean that you\'re wrong & the other is right. !"' quotes[5]='"The first step towards getting somewhere, is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are. Keep moving foward. !"' quotes[6]='"I never wish to be the everything of everyone. But I would like to be the something of my special someone. !"' quotes[7]='"If there is one mistake in your whole lifetime that you can tolerate, it is when you are kind even to those who are undeserving. !"' quotes[8]='"When you\'re still useful, you\'ll be taken care of, but the moment they find someone better, they won\'t even remember how you\'ve been useful to them. !"' quotes[9]='"It\'s hard to be far with someone you love. But it is harder to know that the one you love, makes way. To be too far from you."' quotes[10]='"Be with people who knows your worth. You don\'t need too many friends to be happy. Just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are!"' quotes[11]='"If ever a woman steals my man, there\'s no better revenge than letting her keep him, because no good man can ever be stolen unless he wants."' quotes[12]='"Love one, not two but love the one who loves you too. Love not three, not four, but love the one who loves you more. Love not five, not six, but love the one who really sticks. Love not seven, not eight, but love the one who\'s willing to wait. Love not nine, not ten, but love the one who will love you until the end."' quotes[13]='"I\'m not looking for someone has has everything, but who has time to spend with me more than anything."' quotes[14]='"Don\'t play LOVE to someone who plays better!"' quotes[15]='"Happy is the man who wins the first love of a woman, but happier is the woman who wins the last love of a man."' quotes[16]='"No man is hero to his own wife & no woman is a wife to his own hero."' quotes[17]='"INSECURITY is the reason why backfighters are born. They live like winners, but end up as loosers."' quotes[18]='"Don\'t let someone be your priority while allowing yourself to be just their option.."' quotes[19]='"A smile makes us look younger while laughter makes us feel healthier."' quotes[20]='"People don\'t know how to be satisfied, without knowing that sometimes wanting more means losing everything."' quotes[21]='"It is not how long you stayed together that matters. But how much happiness you\'ve felt with each other even in the shortest time you spent together."' quotes[22]='"There are things that you don\'t want to end but you are afraid to continue. . It\'s just like, you don\'t want to expect anything, but you are Hoping."' quotes[23]='"GOD said, "Don\'t Look around \'cause you\'ll be impressed. . Don\'t look down \'cause you\'ll be depressed. . Just look up to me all the time and you\'ll be bLessed."' var whichquote=Math.floor(Math.random()*(quotes.length)) document.write(quotes[whichquote])